The origin of super - solid wood flooring
31, Hong Kong, Hong Kong

"NCD no corner processing technology" uses a molded flooring production line technology, will strengthen the wooden floor around the edge of sinking, so that the edge of the sink part of the decorative layer and the floor surface color, pattern in keeping with the same time, the edge of the Sinking surface also has the same degree of wear-resistant surface, and the visual effect is more beautiful, seamless, and almost no difference between solid wood flooring.outdoor flooring

Therefore, Dewey also named its "super-solid wood flooring." After five years of market testing, the technology will not only strengthen the wooden floor edge of the most vulnerable to protection, more effective solution to the edge easy to wear, easy bruising, not wear and so affect the old problem of strengthening the service life of the floor. Dewey floor of the technical innovation to solve the widespread wear problems, which also won the national invention patent.vinyl fence

Dewei floor, chairman of Mr. Ge Yuejin introduced his patent in mind, said, in fact, each item has its fragile place, like a shirt collar, purse corners, etc., and sometimes the clothes often do not wear the first collar wear . The floor is no exception, it also has Achilles heel.environmentally friendly flooring

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