40, Swindon, Velika Britanija

Have you ever asked yourself why thousands of relationship between men and women are coming to an end?

There is no secret that I love women! They are beautiful creatures. I love some women because they have beautiful personality. So I’ve always wanted to understand them as humanly as possible!

Recently, I embarked on a journey to understand why a relationship collapses and find solution for it — so we can avoid the mistakes of those before us and make our relationships work better! In our time, the community does not exist. People are too shy to interact with others in public places unless they are having a few drinks and attending events and meetings.

So, I hit the road to talk to thousands of women in the streets and online. The women I spoke to told me that their former men were responsible for the break up. There’s one worry in that claim. We know that one person can make the relationship work and it takes two people to end it.

It was clear to me that the main cause of the end of a relationship was: communication! Men and women are no longer communicate with each other, they entertain each other. They do not take the time to get to know each other, they visit the cinema, and restaurant! They do not exchange ideas, they exchange images. They do not discuss about the importance of life; they discuss about good looks, celebrities and popular ideas.

88 pregleda
Draakon48 08.11.2016

As I understand, you really love Russian literature. If I may ask, what Tolstoy's creation appeals to you most?
At the same time, I would like to ask are you familiar with the Guy de Maupassant creations? If not, then I recommend you read "Pierre and Jean," "Life," These two works provide a good understanding of human psychology and character of.

ProfA ProfA 09.11.2016

War and Peace, Sevastopol Sketches and Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy.
I have not heard of Guy De Maupassant. I will listen/read those two books. Tell me a bit about them?

Draakon48 10.11.2016

I've been a little sick, that's why I write of those books in a little later. In short, the first of the two brothers, the average French family. The second describes the woman's fate.

Draakon48 05.11.2016

You're a very interesting person. Looks still quite young, but thinking like an old man. Are the topics to write about, just you are interested in, or is the result of your experience?
Forgive me if I asked anything inappropriate :-)

ProfA ProfA 05.11.2016

Lovely Draakon48-

The subjects I write, for example, women, politics, philosophy, life and health are my interest. Most of what I write is from my life experience because I talk to more people and experience life more, no television, no smartphone. When I'm not with people, I read books! Leo Tolstoy is my favourite, Tammsaare I like. Pasternek, ivan goncharov Pushkin and Dosvoesky.

You've asked great questions! :)

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