(steta sto nema pesma na engleskom)
32, Vršac, Serbia

I sing about you

It is all, it is desolate, how much pain within me
And how much love and all of it, all is for you
I don't understand what I'm doing in the world
When you don't want me near,
You don't dream of me at night,
The way I dream of you.

But I'm leaving, you remain
And I still wish for you the love that I wanted
To offer you so much.
Maybe now, when I am no more,
You will understand, I hope
But it will be (too) late
And I rise up toward the sky...

And I rise up toward the sky
And I feel that I'm leaving you, my angel
When rain is on the earth
You will know that I sing about you
When the sun is on the earth,
You will know....

Not a hope has remained for me
You burned them all
And how much love you burned you won't ever find out.
Do you remember the day on which
I wanted to give you a flower?
You gently whispered to me that you're leaving
And I am staying...

No, I'm leaving, you're staying
And I still wish for you the love that I wanted
To offer you so much.
Maybe now, when I am no more,
You will understand, I hope
But it will be (too) late
And I rise up toward the sky...

And I rise up toward the sky
And I feel that I'm leaving you, my angel
When rain is on the earth
You will know that I sing about you
When the sun is on the earth,
You will know....

Only my pain is on the earth
I sing about you for the last time
I keep your holy name in my soul
My whole life, I gave it to you...

And I rise up toward the sky
And I feel that I'm leaving you, my angel
When rain is on the earth
You will know that I sing about you
When the sun is on the earth,
You will know that I sing about you.

3 skatījumu

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