One More Night
37, Пярну, Эстония

Girl, we´re apart day after day
And my heart´s missing you
Oh does this pain end someday
My heart´s breaking in two
If I could stay next to you forever
Forever by your side
If we olny could stay together
I´ll hold you so tight

I´ll do everything just to have one more night
Just one more night with you
One more night to hold you till the morning light
I love you like I do

Just one more night,one more night
Just to be right next to you
Just one more night,one more night
And my heart is true

I took for granted lots of times
How can I get over you now
I heard your laughter on the line
I thought it will last somehow
Why couldn´t you see it in my eyes
You are my true love
Everyday with you is like a day in paradise
I can´t get enough

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