56, Novi Sad, Serbia


I visited Paris yesterday

For the second time

The first time I had visited that city

Was the New Year's Eve

That trip lasted for six days

We were young and crazy

We were two young fools

Who loved each other like crazy

He was the first one who went crazy about me

(the first one that I know of)

The winter played its songs on the grey trees and dead leafs

Grayness was everywhere

I hate that dull colour

It was so cold that my warm heart went into an iceball

We spent two long days in the bus

Lying next to one another

But we didn't kiss

There was only a stolen glance

During the long distance trip

We touched each other while sleeping

He is in my blood

And I am a drop of his blood forever

It has to be like that

When falling in love for the first time

And being friends for more than 20 years

I loved his warm green eyes

And I knew the he used to adore my eyes

Until he went crazy and said to himself

I don't want to lose my heart for that fake princess

I always dreamt about becoming a princess

Until the life woke me and said:

You are just a little snow drop

Only a tear from the sky

Just a drop of water hidden in the sand

And I was so sorry because of the absent kiss

Instead of kissing him,

I kissed the statues, the churches, musicians

But nothing could replace that absent kiss

My second visit to Paris was something completely different

It was summer

I was staying in Belgium

I had a company car

And I had a friend from Belgium

Who accompanied me for a day in Paris

The first we missed The louvre museum

This time I didn't want to make the same mistake

And it was beautiful

There were children bathing in fountain everywhere

All the fountaines worked on that beautiful sunny day

The fountaines the water

The sun gave its magic to the water drops

It was magical

Every drop of that water was like from a saint

From the universe itself

That was what I felt watching the children

I was too young to have my own child

But those children were all mine

The sun gave them to me

The sun is so, so generous

Sun gives everything the light necessary for the feeling of belonging somewhere

And I felt that way

Of course, we went to the Louvre

I saw famous Da Vinci's Mona Lisa

And I wasn't fascinated by that masterpiece

I liked better a painting of a girl lying in the water

She looked like a swan

Before its last song

I don't remember the painter's name

But the image of that angel in the water is always with me

The Louvre is a huge museum

I was tired of walking through the masterpieces of every period of human history

Egyptian, Greek, Latin, Medieval

My feet ached

But I didn't care

My feet were like a sponge

I was walking through the masterpieces

Becoming an artist myself

I discovered that fact much later

Now I am an artist

And I am grateful to the force that gave me the chance to become one of the privileged ones

I will never really die

My deeds will be my testament

My good deeds

My poems, my words, my stories

My love for the whole world

To all good people all around the world

I am now a centar of my own universe

And I have a magic stone

I buyed it like something i just picked from the ground

That man said

The stone chose you

And I believed him

Why not?

I have plenty of good deeds today

And I am not selfish any more

Like I used to be

Before that magic day

Music, sun and Paris saved my life

And I would like to see that city again

But perhaps it is not necessary

I don't know

I am only one of the army of artists

One lonely soldier of fortune

Consequently, we went to Le Musee D'Orsay

That was the real museum

The light

In the all colours the human eye can see

At the end of that magic day

We sat on the stairs

Of The Sacre Coeur

Drinking French apricot juice

Eating sandwiches

We listened to the music

From The Seine and musicians

We shared love

Without a kiss

The kiss is not necessary

When the person is happy

For belonging to The City of Eternal Light

I am one of the Paris girls

I just was born somewhere else

That doesn't matter

My real artistic country is La France

I am a small Jeanne D'Arc

And, I live in a small town in Serbia

The name of my street is

The Paris street

I adore my street

This is the start and the end of my days

Until my life says that it is time to fly again

And I will fly again

Like a white dove of peace

That's me

White peace dove

And I am wery grateful for that gift

From the universe

Juče sam bila u Parizu

po drugi put

Prvi put je bila Nova Godina

zima sivilo mrtva trava

veštački sneg na krošnjama Champs-Elysees-a

bilo je hladno

statue u Versaju pokrili su belim čaršavima

Bila sam sa čovekom koga volim

a svađala sam se s njim

umesto da ga divlje ljubim

na svim romantičnim mestima kuda smo prolazili

Osećala sam se kao dete

kome su dugo obećavali divnu igračku

a kada ju je dobilo

ispalo je da uopšte nije tako divna

kako je sanjalo da će biti

Kad sam se vratila

ćutala sam

i osećala se kao da i nisam bila tamo

Juče sam bila u Parizu

po drugi put

a sve je bilo kao da je prvi

Nisam bila sa čovekom koga volim

ali mi je jedan plavokosi neznanac

pokazao kako sve može biti lepo

i bez poljubaca

Bilo je sunce sunce sunce

raskošna svetlost na sve strane

svetlost koja pada na vrh piramide na ulazu u Louvre

svetlost koja raseca fontanu

i puni je hiljadama klikera kapi suza ludih nijansi

bilo je toplo iskreno sanjarski

vrućina je padala na očne kapke cvetova

i sve je blještalo

pločnici reklame La Seine mostovi

kipovi na zgradama prepunim istorije

blještali su osmesi

dece koja su se prskala zagazivši u fontane

turista najrazličitijih rasa i fotoaparata

zaljubljenih parova

ne obavezno mladih

Znala sam da moram videti impresioniste

sada sam sasvim razumela

njihovu želju da uhvate i ovekoveče

ovu neponovljivu igru svetlosti

Naravno prvo sam morala da ispunim

građansku dužnost

i vidim Mona Lisu

nije me oborila

neke druge slike mnogo su me više dotakle

ali to je stvar ukusa

a o ukusima ne treba raspravljati

rekli su davno ljudi mnogo pametniji od mene

Duboko sam se poklonila senima

svih velikih umetnika

koji su deo svog srca i mozga

utkali u Louvre

Zaronila sam u čudesni svet

slika skulptura rukotvorina sarkofaga

u svet istorije krvi zlata i moći

Stopala su me bolela od silne umetnosti

Trebalo je prepešačiti ta remek-dela

ali nije mi žao

žrtvovala bih i više od to malo umora

za toliku lepotu

Posle smo odšetali do Le Musee d'Оrsay

moj plavokosi pratilac i ja

pričali smo o svojim domovinama

različitim naravno

o jezicima novcu ljudima nacijama

predavali smo jedno drugom

moju šarenu torbu

kao štafetnu palicu

Videla sam impresioniste

i zahvalila se nebu

što sam doživela da ih vidim

Osećala sam kako mi duša raste

i postaje svetla i tačkasta

srećna kao te slike

Na izlazu iz muzeja zapljusnula nas je muzika

seli smo na stepenice

slušali slušali slušali

otvorili torbu sa trouglastim engleskim sendvičima

i francuskim sokom od kajsije

slikali se

Tada sam znala da je to ono

bila sam na pravom mestu u pravo vreme

Disala sam duboko

jer sam znala da će me ovaj miris u plućima

još dugo održavati u životu

Sad opet verujem u grad svetlosti

i mogu da sanjam o sledećem susretu s njim

16 просмотров
aleksandra 23.04.2017


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