nr 1
28, Avinurme, Estonia

After I picked up my schedule, I walked to the second floor to look for my classroom. Room 206. I walked a while through the empty hallway. I was admiring the school architecture, when I collapsed with someone.
'Hey!' I said but the guy didnt even bother looking at me. He just walked away. I walked to the door where he had come out. Finally. I opened the door and walked inside.
'Can I help you?' A short dark-haired man said to me: the Teacher.
'Yes, Im new.' I said and the man took a look at his list.
'Demi 'I corrected him. 'Demi Lovato' I smiled at him and he let me inside. I took the only seat that was empty. It was behind this blonde curly-haired girl. She had a Juicy Couture bag and very expensive clothes. Beautiful, but expensive clothes. I took my seat and the teacher continued with the class. I was taking notes when the blonde curly haired girl turned to me.
'Just so you know, thats my boyfriends seat, so you better move when he comes back.' She said and turned again. That was very rude from her. Lucky me, the guy didnt appear the whole class. The bell rang so I walked outside the classroom. I tried asking some kids for help, but they would glare at me and ignore me; as if I wasnt there.. GREAT. It was lunchtime and I havent done any friends at all. All of them were well they acted as if I was invisible. Typical. I walked to the cafeteria, it was really big but most of the tables were already full. I took a tray and placed in line to wait for my food. The woman in charge of the food placed a hamburger in my tray and gave me an empty glass. I thought he had forgotten about my drink. The girl behind me, took her hamburger too. She had straight dark hair, but I could tell that it was false, like if she had straighten it. She was with this tall good looking guy, who had blue eyes and dark hair. They walked together to a table and sat next to other kids. The woman in charge of the food looked at me.
'Hum,, I think you forgot my drink..' I said politely but she just pointed to a corner. I didnt hesitate and walked to where she had pointed. There, I found 6 trumpets lined. On top of each, there were the names of the flavors but I didnt know how to make liquid come out of it.
'Do you need help with that?' The guy who was with the girl behind me told me and I just nodded. The guy looked really nice. His hair was straight dark. Maybe he and the girl were brother and sister? But they didnt look similar.
'Here' he said and pushed one little bottom in the trumpet, then juice came out of it.
'Thanks' I said and walked away. I stood there waiting for a table to sit in. Most of them were looking at me weirdly; they must think im a complete idiot. I waked of the cafeteria because I didnt feel comfortable. I walked to the field. There, a group of guys were playing soccer. I walked to the bleachers. I sat down in front of a group of girls who were laughing. I think one of them was in my first class; she was the one who warned me about her boyfriends seat. I uncovered my burger and started eating while watching the game. The guys looked like the were having a lot of fun. Then, I spotted one that caught my eye; I have seen him before. Everything started to slow down. He kneeled to tie his shoelaces in front of me, well in the field but I was seeing his back. I couldnt help but stare at his perfect body. You could see his muscles because of the tight shirt he was wearing. And even though he was sweating, he look great. His hair was perfectly curly and messy, but that was attractive. He was paying attention to the game. When he finished, he stood up and turned to look at me. He smiled; his smile was, just the most perfect smile I have ever seen in my entire life. Why was he looking at me? Those eyes, if I keep looking at them, I might faint. The guy is PERFECT. I felt my head burn, that could only mean that I was blushing. I looked down smiling and bit my lower lip. But thats when my fantasy fainted.
'Hey baby! 'I heard from behind me. I turned to look at the girl who had said that. And my smile faded. PERFECT. It was the blond curly hair again. She was waving goofily at the guy. I guess he was her boyfriend. I sighted.
'Hey' I heard someone say but nobody knows me so I continued eating my hamburger.
'Hey YOU 'I hear the girl repeat so I turned to look at her.
'Why are YOU looking at my boyfriend?' Is she serious? That was way creepy. Cant I just take a look at the guy? Is she like his owner or something? Her friends started laughing. I stood up and went back inside just in time, the bell rang.


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